INSTBAT was present to the BATTERY2030+ Annual conference May 9-10th 2023 Uppsala (Sweden)

INSTABAT participate to the SPARTACUS Workshop – Smart Sensor Batteries and the Future Battery Generation
13 Oct 2023
3 Master’s Dissertation in 2022 from UAVR partner
13 Oct 2023

INSTABAT participate to the BATTERY2030+ Annual conference May 9-10th 2023 Uppsala (Sweden) with a contribution to the “Smart functionalities: Sensing” Scientific outlook and technical results session and some of oral and posters to share the results of the project.


1- “Smart functionalities: Sensing” Scientific outlook and technical results – INSTABAT (CEA)

2- Using a reference electrode inside Li-ion cell to study the impact of the protocol on aging mechanisms (CEA)


1- Sensing of Li-ion battery critical safety parameters with customized physical optical fiber sensors (UAVR)

2- From the physical optical fiber sensors data to a predictive virtual sensor (UAVR)

3- Reference Electrode as new BMS Sensor  (CEA)

4- INSTABAT Multi-Sensor Plateform. (CEA)

5- Real time estimation of electrochemical states in Li-ion batteries and exploitation in BMS algorithms (INSA, CEA)
