INSTABAT will deliver a proof of concept of a multi-sensor platform (“lab-on-a-cell”), capable of monitoring simultaneously multiple battery key parameters and of correlating them with battery cell physico-chemical degradation processes. The Battery Management System (BMS) will receive in real-time the output data from the physical/virtual sensors of the platform, enabling the delivery of very accurate SoX cell indicators (States of Charge, Health, Power, Energy and Safety). The benefits of the improved accuracy of the SoX will be demonstrated via two critical uses cases: cycling at extreme conditions and high-power charging for EV applications.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 955930.
BATTERY 2030+ is the large-scale and long-term European research initiative with the vision of inventing the sustainable batteries of the future, providing European industry with disruptive technologies and a competitive edge throughout the battery value chain and enabling Europe to reach the goals of a climate-neutral society envisaged in the European Green Deal.
The BATTERY 2030+ large-scale research initiative has just entered the next phase of creating a generic toolbox for transforming the way we develop and design batteries in Europe. With EUR 40,5 million support from the European Commission over three years, a family of projects will kick-start the implementation of the BATTERY 2030+ long-term research roadmap.
Starting on 1 September 2020, the BATTERY 2030+ initiative will consist of seven projects, one coordination and support action (CSA) BATTERY 2030PLUS, which continues a previous 15-months CSA project, and six research and innovation projects: BIG-MAP, coordinated by DTU Denmark; INSTABAT, coordinated by CEA France; SENSIBAT, coordinated by IKERLAN Spain; SPARTACUS, coordinated by Fraunhofer Germany; HIDDEN, coordinated by VTT Finland; BAT4EVER, coordinated by VUB, Belgium.
The BATTERY 2030+ community works on concrete actions that support the implementation of the European Green Deal, the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the European Action Plan on Batteries and the SET Plan.